
Midwest Network Space Domain HyperSpectral Imaging

AFRL S&E stands for Air Force Research Laboratory Science and Engineering

Applied research:

What are some projects in Space domain awareness?

Space domain awareness (SDA) is crucial in the increasingly crowded and competitive space environment. It involves tracking, identifying, and understanding the activities of all objects in space, from satellites and spacecraft to debris and natural phenomena. Here are some exciting projects working on different aspects of SDA:

  1. Space Fence System:

Owned and operated by the United States Space Force, the Space Fence System is a powerful radar system located in Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. Image of Space Fence SystemOpens in a new window (opens in a new tab)

It can track objects as small as 10 cm in orbit around Earth, providing data on their position, velocity, and size. The Space Fence System plays a vital role in monitoring active satellites, ensuring the safety of spacecraft and preventing collisions.

  1. FireOPAL:

Developed by Lockheed Martin Australia and Curtin University, FireOPAL is a ground-based optical sensor system designed for persistent space surveillance.

FireOPAL It uses a wide field-of-view telescope to track satellites in all orbital regimes, from low-Earth orbit to geostationary orbit. FireOPAL's ability to track faint objects and its resistance to interference make it a valuable tool for monitoring potential threats in space.

  1. DARPA’s Blackjack program:

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Blackjack program aims to develop a constellation of small, networked satellites for space situational awareness. (opens in a new tab)

DARPA's Blackjack program These satellites will use various sensors, including optical, radar, and radio frequency, to track objects in space and provide real-time data to military decision-makers. Blackjack is expected to improve the U.S. military's ability to track and respond to threats in space, such as anti-satellite weapons.

  1. Project ARGUS:

Led by the European Space Agency (ESA), Project ARGUS aims to develop a comprehensive space traffic management (STM) system. (opens in a new tab)

Project ARGUS The system will track and predict the positions of satellites and debris in space, helping to prevent collisions and ensuring the safe and sustainable use of space. Project ARGUS will also develop collision avoidance maneuvers for satellites and debris removal strategies.

  1. ExoAnalytic Solutions:

This private company uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze data from various sources, including ground-based telescopes and radars, to track and identify objects in space. (opens in a new tab)

ExoAnalytic Solutions provides its data and analysis to governments, commercial companies, and research institutions, helping them to better understand the space environment.

What problem is this solving?

Space vulnerability and enemy attack capabilities threaten our operations. We counter with resilient space missions and deny their space attack power. Our ABMS must deliver clear operational advantage, not just theory. Engaging numerous, fast-moving targets requires next-gen sensors and ABMS fusion. Expensive, traditional air dominance is unsustainable. Instead, uncrewed aircraft alongside NGAD in a family-of-systems provide cost-effective sky control. We need Agile Combat Employment and resilient basing to avoid fixed target vulnerability. Supplementing B-21 with uncrewed systems ensures affordable, resilient global strike. Finally, we must harden our deployment and support chain against threats to fight and win in a contested environment. These are the imperatives for securing our future, in space and on Earth.

Who experiences the problem?

Constellations: Starlink by SpaceX for global internet, OneWeb for connectivity, Iridium's 66 satellites for global mobile services, Globalstar for voice, data, and IoT services, Galileo, GPS, and Glonass as global navigation systems, Planet Labs for Earth observation, Terra Bella Constellation by BlackSky for rapid observation, and SpaceBelt by SpaceLink for communication.

Launch Organizations: SpaceX for Mars colonization, United Launch Alliance (ULA) for Vulcan Centaur Heavy, Arianespace for Europe's launches, Roscosmos for Soyuz operations, ISRO for India's launches, JAXA for Japan's space missions, Rocket Lab for Electron rockets, Virgin Orbit by Richard Branson using LauncherOne, Firefly Aerospace developing Alpha rockets, and Astra Space in the small-satellite launch market with Electron rockets.

How will you solve the problem?

This project proposes a high-resolution infrared (IR) imaging and spectroscopy system using an InGaAs detector for space debris characterization. InGaAs technology surpasses traditional silicon detectors in the IR spectrum, offering higher sensitivity to longer wavelengths, enabling detection of fainter debris. It also provides improved spectral resolution crucial for analyzing infrared spectra and determining material composition. InGaAs detectors effectively reject thermal background radiation, resulting in clearer images. The system comprises a high-resolution telescope optimized for infrared wavelengths, an InGaAs detector array maintained at cryogenic temperatures, and a grating spectrometer for wavelength separation. Data acquisition involves digitizing the electronic signal from the detector, processed using advanced algorithms to generate high-resolution images and spectra, aiding in material composition identification. Currently in the research and development phase, the project has advanced through detailed simulations optimizing telescope design, predicting system performance, and laboratory testing of InGaAs detector and spectrometer prototypes. Additionally, machine learning algorithms are under development to analyze acquired infrared spectra and accurately identify space debris material composition.

Why is this a better solution?

InGaAs Technology Advantages: Higher Sensitivity: InGaAs detectors excel in detecting fainter, smaller debris, owing to increased sensitivity to longer infrared wavelengths. Improved Spectral Resolution: This technology provides superior spectral resolution, crucial for detailed analysis of space debris infrared spectra. Enhanced Background Rejection: InGaAs detectors effectively reject thermal background radiation, ensuring clearer imaging of space objects and overall system performance enhancement. Optimized Telescope Design: The high-resolution telescope is specifically tailored for infrared wavelengths, ensuring optimal performance in resolving smaller debris objects. Cooled InGaAs Detector Array: Maintaining the InGaAs detector array at cryogenic temperatures (-196°C) maximizes sensitivity, crucial for achieving high-performance infrared imaging and spectroscopy. Integration of Grating Spectrometer: The system incorporates a grating spectrometer for wavelength separation, creating detailed infrared spectra for precise material analysis. Advanced Data Processing: Advanced algorithms are employed for data processing, ensuring the generation of high-resolution images and spectra. This facilitates identification of space debris material composition. Scientific Advancements and New Approaches: InGaAs vs. Silicon Detectors: InGaAs technology's superiority over traditional silicon detectors in the infrared spectrum is a key differentiator, enhancing sensitivity and spec. res.

What difference will it make?

Fewer Collisions: InGaAs technology ensures precise tracking and material analysis, resulting in a substantial X% reduction in collision risk, safeguarding satellites and preserving the integrity of future space activities. Deeper Knowledge: InGaAs's advanced material identification capabilities lead to a remarkable Y% reduction in space environment threats, fostering a proactive approach to potential risks for a more resilient and sustainable space environment. Sharper Vision: InGaAs's superior imaging and spectroscopy capabilities enable the detection of a groundbreaking Z% smaller debris. Success Measured: Collision Avoidance Metrics: Success is tangible through a significant reduction in close calls and potential impacts. Space Environment Improvement: Measurable progress is demonstrated through a decrease in overall debris population and threat levels. Debris Characterization Accuracy: Success is evident in the heightened precision of material identification and composition data.

AFRL Regional Hub Network - Midwest Guidance for 2024 Funding Proposal Call #2:

Primary focus areas are: Hypersonics Microelectronics Energetic materials On Orbit Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing (previous known as ISAM) Space domain awareness

Special consideration will be given to proposals with the following topics:

Alternate Processes to Develop Cathode Ray Tubes Application of Carbon Nanotubes via CVD Quantum Computing Hardware-in-the-loop Modeling and Simulation for Developmental Testing High Strain Rate Materials High Temperature Thermocouples Hypersonic Modeling & Simulation Modeling and Simulation Efforts to Minimize Testing and/or Aid in Down Select for EM systems Performance Simulations for Energetic Materials 3D SAR ATR Detection of Hypersonic Signatures via Sensor Fusion and Aggregation Detection of Space Debris with Existing Orbiting SAR Sensors Environmentally Induced Noise in Microelectronics as Source of Sensor Data Event Based Sensing Lidar Tomography Low-cost Cryocooler Multi-channel Acoustic Transceiver Passive Sensing Fusion and Tracking on Small UAVs Photonic Structures for MWIR Imaging Arrays Real-time Monitoring of Device Thermal Characteristics under RF stress Single/entangled Photon Detection Ultrasonic Phased Array Transducer Vertical Gallium Nitride Device